
7 Insights for Using Teams as an LMS in Your School

Written by Beedle | Oct 17, 2022 3:07:00 PM

The COVID-19 pandemic required schools to pivot quickly to adapt to remote learning models. Many teachers searched for a great LMS for their schools, but they found that most of the available solutions had flaws. This is why Microsoft Teams for Education has emerged as the best LMS option for many schools. While it’s not a true LMS, Teams has most, if not all, of the components that any teacher needs to run a classroom, either virtually or in person. There are even benefits beyond the LMS options that empower teachers to communicate better with students, peers, and parents.

Using Teams as an LMS might seem strange to those unfamiliar with it, but it functions like Zoom for virtual collaboration, like Google Classroom for grading and assignments, and like many LMS options when it comes to virtually managing the classroom and students.

Many educators want to know how it works, practically speaking, how it saves time, and how it can integrate many classroom functions into one place. Here are seven reasons to consider using Microsoft Teams as your LMS.

1. Seamless video integration

Teaching online is challenging when managing multiple platforms. Toggling back and forth between Zoom and a gradebook requires extra steps. An advantage of Microsoft Teams is the integration of both of these functions into one place. You no longer have to repeatedly switch between screens.

2. Easy feedback to students

One of the most powerful functions of most LMS is a discussion board/collaboration space. Microsoft Teams embeds this option within the software like any other LMS. There are other options for seamless, flexible assessments that are made possible by using simple add-ons. The Beedle Journal is the perfect solution for providing student feedback and improving engagement and interaction. It enables students to respond to and tag other students and share with teachers. It is a unique and engaging tool that works seamlessly with Teams and enhances how it can be used as an LMS.

3. Easy feedback to parents

Another game changer is that through Beedle, educators can integrate feedback in Teams into parent communication. This is an option that many LMS don’t have. Most LMS began years ago in the postsecondary world, which does not leverage parent communication in the way that K-12 does. This integration saves multiple steps for teachers, who can share information with parents digitally, directly, and instantly.

4. Phone access and usage

While many tools have mobile versions, the Microsoft Teams app is fully functional and useful on a mobile device. Teachers can access the system on their smartphones and tablets to set up classes and breakout rooms, which saves them time and extra steps.

5. Classroom management and student collaboration

Classroom management and engagement are major challenges for teachers using a digital solution. Microsoft Teams has many great tools compared to other LMS solutions. Even routine tasks like taking attendance are available. When looking at Teams as an LMS, you should consider how all the daily functions of a classroom, like using a class list for grouping or calendaring options for students, can be rolled into one place for seamless integration. Classroom management is a huge component of the success of Teams.

6. Collaboration with peers

Microsoft Teams enables teachers to archive classes, copy assignments, and create many efficiencies in their classrooms. These features become even more powerful when cohorts of teachers can collaborate. Research shows that collaboration is one of the most impactful strategies that schools can use to improve student achievement. When grade-level teachers can plan together through an LMS, it helps systemize the experience for students and maximize the impact of excellent teaching. With Teams, it is simple to do, and the functionality can be further enhanced through tools like Beedle. Teachers are all in the same “space” and can use Beedle to share assessments and lesson objectives.

7. Recording of all activities

A logistical solution that Microsoft Teams provides is the recording of all classroom activities. Meetings, chat, and student interactions are all downloadable and savable. This enables absent students to still engage in the class, and teachers can grade and review classroom interactions after the fact.

The benefits of using Microsoft Teams as an LMS are plentiful. It integrates many of the great educational tools that teachers already use. For anything that Teams doesn’t have, Beedle is an ideal resource for full compatibility and communication to maximize classroom efficiency.

Beedle is an all-in-one solution for teaching and learning in Microsoft Teams, giving schools the power to leverage Teams for improved resource and lesson planning, class management, insight organization, and more!

If you’re in a Teams district or school and want to unlock the true potential of Microsoft Teams, contact our specialists to maximize the worth of your Microsoft Teams investment today!